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Burford Co-COOs Aviva Will and David Perla on 2024 trends in New York Law Journal

January 5, 2024

Entitled "Law and Finance: What's Ahead in 2024," Burford Co-COOs Aviva Will and David Perla share their thoughts with New York Law Journal on 2024 in legal finance. Will and Perla discuss how continued economic uncertainty will have significant implications for business and the law firms that work with them, and how pioneering financing tools will provide a competitive edge.

Will and Perla write: "'In the year ahead, we expect to see continued innovation at the intersection of law and finance, with businesses and law firms alike pushing for change. GCs and CFOs will remain focused on the potential of data analytics and AI while working together to maximize the value of litigation and arbitration assets and actively seeking innovative risk-sharing options from their external counsel. Law firms will prioritize high-value practice areas—and those that embrace the array of innovative financing tools available to them are poised to maintain a competitive edge.'"

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