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Burford Capital surpasses $100 million in Equity Project commitments

February 28, 2022

With more than half of phase two funds committed, Burford crosses historic milestone in cumulative commitments to promote diversity in law

New York City, March 1, 2022 – Burford Capital—the leading global finance and asset management firm focused on law—today announces that it has crossed a significant milestone in its groundbreaking initiative designed to increase diversity in the business of law, with more than $100 million in cumulative Equity Project commitments made to back commercial litigation and arbitration led by female and racially diverse lawyers.

Providing legal finance capital as part of the Equity Project promotes diversity by giving historically underrepresented lawyers an edge as they pursue leadership positions in significant commercial litigations and arbitrations. The Equity Project also augments companies’ ESG and DEI initiatives by providing incentives for the firms that represent them to appoint historically underrepresented lawyers and to award them origination credit.

The Equity Project first launched in October 2018 with the aim of committing at least $50 million to back commercial matters led by women. After having committed more than that amount by December 2020, Burford announced a $100 million expansion of The Equity Project in October 2021, broadening The Equity Project’s mission to promote both racial and gender diversity in law, and pledging to contribute a portion of its profits from successfully resolved phase two Equity Project matters to organizations that promote development for female and racially diverse lawyers on its clients’ behalf.

As of February 28, with more than half of phase two funds committed, Burford has now made more than $100 million in cumulative commitments to Equity Project matters.

Matters funded to date in this phase of The Equity Project include contract disputes, antitrust, federal statutory, IP/patent and treaty arbitration matters, with female and racially diverse litigators in leadership roles (first or second chair) as well as women-owned firms. Clients include large corporations and large litigation boutiques.

Aviva Will, Co-COO of Burford Capital and leader of The Equity Project initiative, said: “We are delighted by the overwhelming response to phase two of The Equity Project, particularly from corporate clients, and that’s reflected in the fact that we have crossed this significant milestone in a short period of time. The Equity Project is core to Burford’s culture and a part of our daily work, and we look forward to committing the remaining funding soon.”

David Perla, Co-COO of Burford Capital, said: “I’m very pleased to see the rapid commitment of our capital in phase two of The Equity Project. As the industry leader, we recognize that we may be the only commercial legal finance company with the resources to make such a significant financial commitment to increasing diversity in law. We are aware of our unique position and take seriously the significant impact Burford can have on the legal market in all the work we do.”

The Equity Project is supported by 26 Champions from leading companies, law firms and organizations. A list of Champions and more information about The Equity Project can be found on Burford’s website.


David Helfenbein
Vice President, Public Relations
[email protected], +1 212 235 6824

About Burford Capital
Burford Capital is the leading global finance and asset management firm focused on law. Its businesses include litigation finance and risk management, asset recovery and a wide range of legal finance and advisory activities. Burford is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: BUR) and the London Stock Exchange (LSE: BUR), and it works with companies and law firms around the world from its principal offices in New York, London, Chicago, Washington, DC, Singapore and Sydney.

For more information, please visit www.burfordcapital.com.

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