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Katharine Wolanyk to speak at the LOT Network Bridge Meeting

  • Patent & IP
September 27, 202311:00AM PST


Katharine Wolanyk will be speaking on a panel during the LOT Network Bridge member meeting.

Katharine Wolanyk, Managing Director at Burford Capital, will be speaking on the panel “Deal Making in Patents – Buying, Selling and Financing” during the LOT Network Bridge member meeting. The session will take place on September 27 at 11:00AM PST in San Francisco.  

The panel will discuss strategies for identifying valuable patents, negotiating deals, and the role of financing in patent acquisition and enforcement. Katharine will be joined by Kent Richardson (Richardson Oliver Law Group) . 

The LOT Network is a group of 3,300+ global industry leaders who have collaboratively immunized themselves against lawsuits from Patent Assertion Entities. 

You can learn more about the event here.