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Christiane Deniger to speak on Foreign Mining Investment: Leveraging Protections Against Government Actions

  • International arbitration
March 20, 20256:00pm AWST


Christiane Deniger will speak on the panel discussion “Foreign Mining Investment: Leveraging Protections Against Government Actions” hosted by The Australia-Africa Minerals and Energy Group (AAMEG), Steptoe and Burford.

Christiane Deniger, Director at Burford Capital will speak as part of a panel discussion “Foreign Mining Investment: Leveraging Protections Against Government Actions hosted by The Australia-Africa Minerals and Energy Group (AAMEG), Steptoe and Burford. The session will take place on March 20 at 6:00pm AWST in Perth. 

Panelists will explore how mining companies can safeguard against and respond to adverse government actions—ranging from expropriation and personnel detention to regulatory and tax changes that impact investments. Experts will highlight various strategies, including litigation against governments and third-party funding options to preserve capital. The session will be informal and held under the Chatham House Rule to encourage open dialogue without public attribution. 

AMMEG is the peak body representing Australian companies engaged in the development of Africa’s resource industry. We support members operating in Africa and facilitate collaboration between industry, governments, communities, and other stakeholders to ensure that resource development produces sustainable outcomes. 

Steptoe is an international law firm with offices in the UK, Europe, the United States and Asia. Since the 1980s, starting with the expropriations in Iran, Steptoe has been assisting clients in preparing for possible adverse government action and recovering losses caused by such action.  Steptoe has acted against numerous governments including those of The Gambia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Jordan, Bosnia, Montenegro, Russia, Columbia, Cuba, Venezuela and Canada, to name a few. Steptoe’s work includes negotiating solutions with governments, acting as legal counsel in courts and tribunals and, when needed, seizing the assets of governments in order to enforce the judgments we have obtained for clients. 

This event is by invitation only. You can learn more about the event here.