Burford authors book on commercial legal finance for PLI
- Fees & expenses
- Monetization
- General commercial litigation
- Patent & IP
- International arbitration
- Affirmative recoveries
- Case law & ethics

Burford is the author of a new comprehensive guide to the commercial legal finance industry, Commercial Legal Finance, that offers practical guidance on the mechanics of litigation and arbitration finance in key jurisdictions and practice areas around the world, published by Practising Law Institute (PLI).
As the leading global legal finance company, Burford’s team was well-placed to author chapters on topics including:
· Chapter 1: Commercial Legal Finance Basics
· Chapter 2: Legal Finance for Companies and Law Firms, Including the Role of the Funder
· Chapter 3: Securing Financing
· Chapter 4: Legal Finance Ethical Considerations
· Chapter 5: The Financing of Investor–State Arbitration
· Chapter 6: The Financing of Patent and Other Intellectual Property Matters
· Chapter 7: Legal Finance in the United States
· Chapter 8: Legal Finance in England and Wales
· Chapter 9: Legal Finance in Continental Europe
· Chapter 10: Legal Finance in Asia
· Chapter 11: Legal Finance in Australia
· Appendix A: Glossary: Legal Finance Key Terms
Commercial Legal Finance can be purchased for a limited time at a 20% discount with priority code BRE3 CLF20.
The commercial legal finance industry has evolved in the last decade and is now widely used by leading law firms and Fortune 500 companies. As one GC of a multinational logistics company explained in a recent study: “Fifteen years ago, if someone asked about funding litigation it sounded radical, but now it is mainstream.”
It is imperative for businesses and law firms to be well-versed in the availability and potential uses of legal finance: Far from beginning a novel or niche tool, legal finance is now an essential consideration as they look at their portfolios of disputes.
In addition to providing the comprehensive guide to commercial legal finance, Burford will host a series of webcasts addressing specific chapter content.